Participation Guide
- Date June. 18(Tue.) – June. 19(Wed.), 2024 / 09:00 - 18:00 (KST)
- Venue Seoul Dragon City, 3F, Hanra Grand Ballroom & Shilla Hall
- Participants Domestic and International Tourism Companies
- Content 1:1 Business Consultation between Buyer and Seller
Participation Process
Please do registration through the website.
Please wait for the administrator’s approval
after registration.
*You can check the approval status through the email you signed up for.
Go to the MyPage
Edit the required information(reimbursement, offline participation) through MyPage.
Approved buyers can request the
meeting using PSA systems.
*PSA : Pre-Scheduled Appointment
Check your Schedule
You can check the confirmed schedule on MyPage.
Join the meeting
Please be ready 30 minutes prior to the meeting.